
Fajr Company keeps lights of people's houses on

Fajr Company keeps lights of people's houses on
Persian Gulf Far Energy Company supplies the port city of Bandar Mahshahr and the neighboring cities with necessary electricity through transmission of more than 500 MWs of electricity to the national power network.

According to a report by the Persian Gulf Far Energy Company public relations department, electricity is the essential need for every person, home and country, without which daily activities seems to be incomplete, and also it  directly affects the people's existence and livelihood. Nowadays the energy of electricity is called “the heart of modern technology”. It is generated in Iran by power generating plants and reaches out to the citizens with the help of the electricity distribution network.

Electricity is one of the products of by Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company which is generated with the use of gas in the company's powerful power plants. This company generates more than 1170 MWs of electricity every hour and makes it available to its consumers.

In addition to supplying the needs of those industries located in the Petrochemical Special Economic Zone which is considered to be of the main responsibilities and missions of the Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company, the company also injects 500 MWs of its generated electricity (equal to 500,000 KWs) to the national power network upon the declaration of the need from Khuzestan province and according to its commitments for social responsibility.

PGFEC's social collaboration with the national power network has been so far that much outstanding and effective that during the last few years it has been expressed gratitude and appreciated for two times by the some Managing Directors of the regional electricity company in Khuzestan Province for its efforts and assistance to the people of Khuzestan province to provide them with their electricity needs.

Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company’s power transmission network is interlinked with the ring of the high voltage regional power network of Khuzestan province and then to the national electricity network through the 400 KW substation located in the port city of Bandar Mahshahr. According to the received information, the residence of the port city of Bandar Mahshahr and other neighboring cities such as Hendijan and the port city of Bandar Imam Khomeini need at their peak time of electricity consumption about 520 MWs. With regard to the proximity of Fajr Energy Co to the port city of Bandar Mahshahr, the residence of the city are the first consumer of the electricity generated in the Fajr Company. In other words, in reality it is Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company that addresses almost all the electricity needs of in the port city of Bandar Mahshahr and other neighboring cities.

It is worth mentioning that the total amount of electrical energy delivered by Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company to the national electricity network during the hot season of the year normally exceeds to one billion and 860 million KWs.

Aug 30, 2022 09:35
Number of visit : 162


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