
Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company received Intra - organizational Communication Management Award.

Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company received Intra - organizational Communication Management Award.
The Head of Public Relations of Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company announced that this company achieved Intra – Organizational Communication Management Excellence Award at the 16th International Conference on Public Relations of Iran.

As stated by Behnam Seifoori, the function of communication in an organization is the leadership function of that organization, whose task is to inspire and motivate, and on the basis of experts, the organization is considered as a consistent and united whole. Therefore, we must attempt to motivate, coordinate, and guide all members of the organization in coordination, alignment, cooperation, and empathy.

He added that during these years, information flow in our organization and mutual understanding among all employees has been one of the concerns of Fajr managers, and several activities have been defined and implemented in this regard. He also emphasized on

By emphasizing on the importance of intra - organizational communication, he pointed out that with the aim of defining and discussing this matter; training, counseling, quarterly & occasional meetings, designing, conducting various campaigns, clarifying processes such as our experiences to improve intra - organizational communication could be mentioned.

As said by the Head of Public Relations of Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company, intra - organizational communication consists of two important parts as follows; exchanging information and feelings. Generally, exchanging information means that the Head of each part is also responsible for communication of his own part. Moreover, it is necessary to establish a positive and effective communication with inside and outside of his section to achieve desired results. 

He also noted that exchanging feelings is a step beyond exchanging information. It means that employees have to pass on positive and good emotions, moods, motivation to each other because they spend a lot of time together which is regarded as to be an important function of leadership. Additionally, managers and supervisors contribute to overall goal of organizational understanding by creating a positive atmosphere.

Behnam Seifoori mentioned that it has been decided to conduct a research on how to pathologize intra – organizational communication with the purpose of creating and improving intra – organizational communication by R & D department of Persian Gulf Fajr Energy Company.

He continued, after determining the research team, we considered a three-pronged model for communication pathology, which was an Iranian model. This model is based on the culture, communication, structures, regulations, guidelines and behavior of employees and managers of the organization. Consequently, after six months of conducting the above – mentioned research, 40 strategies were identified, of which 10 strategies were considered more important. So, a three – year plan has been proposed to implement these 10 strategies.

As noted by Behnam Seifoori, this plan could receive Intra – Organizational Communication Management Excellence Award at the 16th International Conference on Public Relations of Iran in January of this year, and the reason for selecting was being a model for other Iranian organizations.

Finally, he mentioned that it has not been enough for us to accomplish top place. In fact, the essence of this issue has been implementing the plan, changing and transforming intra – organizational communication which are being done and monitored in the context of executive programs.
Jun 16, 2020 12:40
Number of visit : 628


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