
Labor Day celebrated in Fajr Petrochemical Company

Labor Day celebrated in Fajr Petrochemical Company
Fajr Petrochemical Company held the International Labor Day along with a special festival about the very day with the participation of the company managers, workers of the companies operating in Fajr Petrochemical Company and representatives of contracting companies.


According to the Public Relations Department of Fajr Petrochemical Company, 16 top workers of different sectors the company have been appreciated with special in this special celebration of this day, which was held at the district 1 of a the company.

A sporting festival was held along the very special celebration with the participation of 144 workers who competed with each other for 248 hours of the sport competition in some fields such as: Tug of war, futsal, shooting, darts and long-distance running in 6 age categories.

The competition went on according to the schedule and the sports winners received their awards from the Managing Director of the company.

It must be noted that a cash gift from the managing director of Fajr Petrochemical Company was handed over to all workers in the form of a gift card.
May 7, 2018 16:54
Number of visit : 1,069


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